Welcome to Erickson Institute

Located in the heart of Prague, we offer expert guidance and innovative therapy
to help you achieve your fullest potential.

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Without even knowing it, you might be carrying
the hidden costs of past trauma.


An inner conflict develops when hidden, repressed experiences lead to mental or physical symptoms as your mind tries to protect you from being emotionally overwhelmed.


The tension comes from one part of you seeking healing and closure, while another part resists, fearing that facing the pain could cause you to break down entirely.


If you sense an inner conflict, you do not have to face it alone. We are here to help you find clarity and healing. Ask for your Free Initial Consultation

How does it feel to have Inner Conflicts?

Imagine working on a puzzle with missing or mismatched pieces, resulting in an incomplete and confusing image. Having inner conflict often feels like this: your emotions and experiences are all over the place, and the mental image of your life feels fragmented, making it difficult to see (and feel) how everything fits together.

We uncover the gaps in your mental image of life
and create custom strategies to help you resolve them.


Emotional Regulation

Manage your emotions more effectively, leading to healthier responses and reactions in various situations.


Improved Relationships

Strengthen connections with others by resolving underlying issues that impact how you interact and communicate.


Increased Resilience

Develop stronger coping mechanisms, making it easier to navigate life’s challenges and setbacks.


Greater Self-Esteem

Build confidence by resolving inner conflicts that may have affected your self-worth and personal growth.


Improved Health

Get rid of psychosomatic symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, or digestive issues by addressing underlying emotional conflicts.


Mental Clarity

Clear away mental fog and confusion, leading to sharper thinking and better decision-making.


Emotional Freedom

Experience liberation from past burdens, allowing you to live more fully in the present moment.


Increased Motivation

Reignite your drive and enthusiasm for personal and professional goals by removing internal obstacles.


Improved Coping Skills

Develop more effective strategies for handling life’s challenges, enhancing your ability to navigate difficulties with greater ease.

Your nervous system controls every aspect of your well-being,
but Inner Conflicts can throw it off balance and disrupt its natural harmony.

When the balance is off, the effects ripple through every part of your life,
affecting your mental, emotional, and physical health.

You may recognize some of the consequences:


Persistent feelings of depression and anxiety.


Emotional reactions that seem extreme for the situation.


Difficulty concentrating, remembering, and learning new information.


Impulsive decisions in relationships, such as rushing in or pulling away suddenly.


Increased risk of chronic health issues, such as autoimmune disorders or heart disease.


A diminished sense of self-confidence and capability.


Overwhelming sensations that drive you to withdraw and isolate.


Trouble managing stress and handling everyday pressures.


A persistent sense of disconnection or numbness from your own emotions.

"Therapy is often a matter of tipping the first domino."

- Milton H. Erickson

About Therapy

Therapy is a professional process that involves working with a trained therapist to address emotional, psychological, and behavioral challenges. Through structured conversations and interventions, therapy aims to help individuals understand their thoughts and feelings, resolve issues, and develop effective coping strategies.

Therapy is very much like having a skilled guide on a challenging journey. It helps you navigate difficult emotions, resolve personal issues, and develop strategies for a more fulfilling life. Just as a guide provides valuable direction and support, therapy offers the tools and insights needed to overcome obstacles and reach your goals.

With therapy, you can navigate emotional challenges more efficiently, leading to faster progress and less time spent stuck in unproductive patterns.

Therapy can be extremely helpful for a wide range of issues you're dealing with, including:

  • Debilitating stress
  • Excessive anxiety and worry
  • Psychosomatic pain
  • Adult trauma and childhood PTSD
  • Addictions (substances, OCD, pornography, etc.)
  • Relationship or intimacy difficulties
  • Low self-esteem and self-worth
  • Major life transitions (e.g., divorce, job change)
  • Grief and loss
  • Anger management
  • Work-life balance
  • Emotional regulation
  • Personal growth and self-discovery
  • Communication skills
  • Coping with chronic illness
  • Burnout and fatigue

Ask yourself the following questions, and answer honestly:

  • Have I been struggling to feel like myself lately?
  • Are my worries getting worse and my thoughts more scattered?
  • Do I frequently feel worthless in comparison to others?
  • Am I having trouble bouncing back from something difficult, like a big life change or a traumatic event in my past?
  • Do I have a secret habit that causes me shame or problems?
  • Is everyday life feeling harder than usual?
  • Am I facing a big decision that makes me stressed?
  • Have I lost interest in things I used to enjoy?
  • Have friends expressed concern about me or started avoiding me?
  • Do I have someone I can trust to talk to?

Ericksonian therapy, named after psychiatrist Milton H. Erickson, is a dynamic and individualized approach to psychotherapy. It stands out for its creative and adaptable techniques, designed to unlock your unique potential and foster healing. Instead of following a one-size-fits-all method, Ericksonian therapy customizes its strategies to fit each person’s specific needs and experiences.

Rather than delving into extensive analyses of past experiences, such as in psychoanalysis and other traditional therapeutic modalities, Ericksonian therapy emphasizes using linguistic cues and cognitive techniques to facilitate personal change. It prioritizes the form and function of issues, as well as their context, over the endless content of past experiences. This approach allows for a more fluid and flexible therapeutic process, helping you address challenges in a faster way that resonates with your own perspective and goals.

The duration of therapy varies widely depending on individual needs, goals, and the specific challenges you are facing currently in your life. My primary focus is to help you achieve meaningful and lasting change in the most effective and efficient manner possible.

Ericksonian therapy is a short-term and solution-focused process designed to address immediate concerns and provide practical tools for coping and improvement. This type of therapy typically lasts from a few weeks to a few months. Some cases, however, are more complex and require a longer engagement. Most often, therapy is short-term and solution focused to help you deal with immediate issues.

For those who already live in their heads a little too much and may feel sort of stuck, self-help can sometimes feel like chasing your own tail, for several reasons: 

  1. Trapped in your own problems, it can be challenging to perceive things clearly. As your therapist, I can provide an outside perspective, helping you identify patterns and solutions you might not recognize on your own. 

  2. Some problems are deeply rooted and complex, requiring more intensive and personalized approaches than self-help can offer. Together, we'll get into these deeper layers and address the core issues. 

  3. Working with me provides you with unbiased and ongoing support and accountability, which can be crucial for making lasting changes. Self-help lacks this external reinforcement, making it easier to fall back into old habits. 

  4. Self-help resources offer general advice that may not fit your situation or unique personality, while I only give you personally customized strategies and interventions. 

  5. Therapy offers a safe, non-judgmental space to explore and express your feelings, which can be difficult to achieve on your own, especially when dealing with painful or uncomfortable issues. 

If self-help hasn’t been enough, it might be time to consider therapy. As your therapist, I can help you navigate these challenges and work towards meaningful improvement in your life. When you are ready for a change, contact me and speak about your specific issues and conerns.

Yes, therapy is different from talking to a friend or family member. Imagine therapy as a guided journey with a detailed map, while conversations with friends or family are more like casual chats along the way. A therapist acts as a professional guide, offering structured support and unbiased expertise to help you navigate complex issues.

While friends and family have the best intentions, their advice can be influenced by personal biases because they care about you, and they may not provide the objective perspective you need. Additionally, sharing intimate details with friends or family can lead to breaches of confidentiality, as there’s no legal obligation to keep those conversations private. Therapy, on the other hand, ensures confidentiality and focuses solely on your well-being, offering a safe space to explore your thoughts and find effective solutions.

Feeling like a "lost cause" or questioning if your mind is "broken" can be incredibly distressing, but these thoughts don’t reflect your true potential or worth. Everyone goes through difficult times, and experiencing these emotions does not imply that you are innately defective. 

As your therapist, I want you to know that no one is beyond help or repair. Your mind and emotions are not broken; they’re simply in need of competent guidance and empathy. Together, we can explore what’s going on, address the challenges you’re facing, and work towards effective solutions and coping strategies.

You are not alone, and with just a little bit of patience and work, meaningful and lasting change is possible. It’s important to approach these feelings with compassion and openness, and I am here to help guide you through this process. Together, we will diligently work towards healing and building a path to a more fulfilling and balanced life.

I use a variety of talk therapy approaches, so don’t expect any massage tables or art supplies—just good old-fashioned conversation and insight! Whether you’re interested in Ericksonian therapy’s creative techniques, a solution-focused method like NLP to address current challenges, or a person-centered approach that offers empathetic support, we’ll rely solely on our dialogue and ideas to navigate your concerns. Think of it as a dynamic and engaging conversation where we explore your thoughts, feelings, desires, and skills, without any need for touching, caressing, or dancing in the dark.

You’ll start to notice therapy is working when you see positive changes in how you feel and handle situations. This might include feeling more in control of your emotions, finding better ways to cope with challenges, or experiencing improvements in your relationships. You may also observe a shift in your thoughts and behaviors as you apply the strategies we discuss. Regular check-ins during our sessions will help us assess your progress and make any necessary adjustments. Ultimately, you'll feel a sense of progress and achievement as you move closer to your personal goals and experience greater overall well-being.

All personal information discussed in therapy is strictly confidential and cannot be disclosed to a third party without your written consent, with the exception of special circumstances where the law requires disclosure. As a therapist, I may be required to break confidentiality if you endanger yourself or others, engage in elder or child abuse, or there is a court-ordered subpoena.

Which is costlier: investing in therapy for a while to build essential coping skills, or missing out on opportunities and facing ongoing challenges because you haven't yet developed those skills?

Think of therapy as investing in a custom-made map for a difficult journey. While a high-quality map may cost relatively more initially, it provides precise directions and guidance tailored to your specific path, allowing you to navigate obstacles more efficiently and reach your destination more smoothly.

Similarly, while the cost of therapy may seem somewhat high initially, it’s an investment in reducing friction in your life and upgrading your coping skills. Often, the benefits include better performance and enhanced peace of mind, which leads to higher earning potential and a more fulfilling life. The returns on this investment often extend far beyond the immediate cost, making it a worthwhile step towards a successful future.


In our first session, you can expect a warm and welcoming environment where we’ll start by discussing what brought you to therapy and what you hope to achieve. We’ll explore your current challenges, set goals for our work together, and I’ll explain how therapy will unfold, including the methods and approaches we might use. This initial meeting is also about building a comfortable and trusting relationship, ensuring that you feel at ease and confident in our work together. We may begin to address any immediate concerns you have, setting a solid foundation for deeper exploration in future sessions.

In other words, positive changes begin the moment you sit down on our couch or answer the phone.

To prepare for your first therapy session, start by reflecting on what you hope to achieve and any specific issues you want to discuss. It’s helpful to jot down your thoughts and goals ahead of time. Be prepared to share some background information about yourself, including your current challenges and relevant personal history. If you have any questions or concerns about the therapy process, note them down so you can address them during the session. Additionally, please arrive about 20 minutes early to complete any necessary forms. This ensures that we can make the most of our time together and focus on your needs from the very start. Approach the session with an open mind and readiness to engage in the process, knowing that it’s a collaborative effort aimed at supporting your growth and well-being.

Discussing your past can sometimes be a valuable part of therapy, but it’s not always necessary or central to our work together. While exploring past experiences can offer insights, the focus is tailored to your needs and comfort level.

In Ericksonian therapy, we emphasize understanding how your mind works rather than delving deeply into past memories or repressed experiences. Our approach centers on practical strategies and solutions, focusing on the present and future rather than just analyzing the past. If discussing your history feels uncomfortable or isn't aligned with your goals, we can concentrate on current challenges and developing effective strategies. The aim is to create a therapeutic process that best supports you and your personal growth.

You decide how many sessions you will need. Therapy is a collaborative process, and the duration depends on your unique needs and goals. Continuing therapy allows us to address your concerns at a pace that feels comfortable for you, ensuring that you receive the support and guidance necessary for meaningful and lasting change. As your therapist, I will provide recommendations, but ultimately, the decision is yours based on how you feel and what you want to achieve.

The frequency of our sessions depends on your individual needs and goals. Typically, clients meet once a week or every two weeks, but this can vary based on your specific circumstances and preferences. In our initial sessions, we’ll discuss what feels right for you and adjust the schedule as needed to ensure you receive the support and continuity necessary for your progress. Ultimately, the goal is to find a rhythm that works best for you and helps you achieve the most from your therapy experience.

If you miss a session, it’s important to reach out as soon as possible to reschedule. Life can be unpredictable, and missing a session is understandable. Let me know about your absence and work with me to find a new appointment time that fits your schedule. It's also helpful to discuss any challenges you faced that led to missing the session, so we can address them together and ensure you continue making progress. Regular attendance is key to achieving your therapy goals, so let's work together to maintain consistency and address any barriers you might be facing.

No, Ericksonian therapy does not involve any physical touch. In fact, touch is against our professional code of ethics. Our sessions are based on conversation and psychological techniques to address your concerns and goals. The focus is on creating a safe and supportive environment where we can explore your thoughts and feelings, develop strategies, and work towards personal growth and healing, all through verbal communication and non-physical methods.

To be effective and long lasting, therapy requires a client's commitment to the process. Each client "owns" his or her time slot and is responsible for the fee if I do not receive a 24-hour cancellation notice.

Therapy can be highly effective in managing chronic stress and anxiety by offering personalized support and practical strategies. We will work together to identify the specific sources of your stress and anxiety and develop strategies to address them. This often involves challenging and reframing negative thought patterns that contribute to your stress and anxiety. By focusing on these areas, therapy helps you build resilience, develop more effective coping strategies, and regain a sense of control, ultimately working towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Yes, therapy can be highly effective in addressing a range of relationship issues. Whether you’re dealing with communication problems, trust issues, conflict resolution, or feelings of disconnection, therapy provides a supportive space to explore and resolve these challenges. It can also help with understanding and navigating differing values and goals, managing jealousy or insecurity, and improving emotional intimacy. By working together, we can develop strategies to enhance understanding, strengthen connections, and build healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

Yes, therapy can be very helpful if you're unsure about what you want or need. If you’re not sure what your goals are yet, that's perfectly okay. Therapy is a process of exploration where we work together to understand your feelings, experiences, and aspirations. Through our sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to explore your thoughts and emotions, which can lead to greater self-discovery and clarity about what’s important to you. Therapy provides a supportive space to uncover and define what you’re looking for in your life, helping you gain insight and direction as you move forward.

Yes, therapy can help with managing chronic pain by addressing the emotional and psychological aspects of living with pain. We can work together to develop coping strategies, explore ways to manage the emotional impact of pain, and find techniques to improve your quality of life. Therapy can also help you understand and navigate the psychological barriers that might affect your experience of pain.

Yes, therapy can be highly effective in addressing feelings of guilt or shame. In our sessions, we’ll explore the sources of these emotions and work on understanding their impact on your well-being. Therapy provides a safe space to confront and process these feelings, challenge any negative self-perceptions, and develop strategies for self-forgiveness and healing. By working through guilt or shame, therapy helps you build a healthier self-image and move forward with a greater sense of acceptance and self-compassion.

Absolutely, therapy can be very effective in improving self-esteem. We can work together to identify and challenge negative self-beliefs, build a more positive self-image, and develop skills to boost your confidence. Through exploration and support, therapy helps you recognize your strengths and value, leading to a healthier and more resilient sense of self.

Yes, definitely. Therapy can help you overcome procrastination by addressing the underlying reasons for your tendency to avoid taking action. We’ll explore any fears, anxieties, or habits that contribute to procrastination and develop strategies to improve motivation and time management. By working on these aspects, therapy can help you build better motivational skills and create a more productive routine. In fact, I even wrote a book on motivation.

Yes, therapy can provide valuable support in coping with grief and loss. In our sessions, you’ll have a safe space to express your feelings, process your emotions, and work through the challenges of losing someone or something significant. Therapy helps you navigate your grief, find ways to heal, and gradually move towards acceptance, allowing you to honor your loss while beginning to rebuild and move forward.

Yes, therapy can be very effective in dealing with anger issues. In our sessions, we’ll explore the underlying causes of your anger, such as unresolved conflicts or stressors. Therapy provides tools and techniques to manage and express your anger in healthy ways, helping you develop better coping strategies and improve your relationships. By understanding and addressing the root causes of your anger, you can achieve greater emotional control and find more constructive ways to handle frustration.

Yes, therapy can be very helpful in understanding and managing emotional triggers. We’ll explore the specific situations or experiences that provoke strong emotional responses and work on developing strategies to handle them effectively. Therapy helps you recognize patterns in your reactions, gain insight into their origins, and implement coping mechanisms to manage your emotions more constructively, leading to greater emotional stability and resilience.

Yes, therapy can be effective in reducing feelings of loneliness. In our sessions, we’ll explore the underlying causes of your loneliness and work on strategies to build meaningful connections and improve your social interactions. Therapy provides a supportive space to discuss your feelings, develop social skills, and identify ways to engage with others more effectively. By addressing these aspects, you can cultivate a sense of belonging and enhance your overall social well-being.

Yes, therapy can certainly help with your unique set of problems. Each person’s challenges are distinct, and therapy is designed to be flexible and tailored to your individual needs. By reaching out, we can discuss your specific concerns and develop a personalized approach to address them effectively. I encourage you to contact me so we can explore how therapy can best support you in navigating your unique situation and working towards your goals.

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